The Corporation is governed by a seven member Board of Directors drawn from both the public and private sectors.

These include three ex-officio directors: the Governor of the Bank of Jamaica, the Financial Secretary and the Chief Executive Officer of the JDIC. Four others, including the Chairman, are appointed by the Minister.

Myrtle Halsall, OD


Darlene Morrison, CD

Financial Secretary

Aisha Wright

Nominee of Financial Secretary

Antoinette McKain

Chief Executive Officer

Richard Owen Byles

Governor, Bank of Jamaica

Dr Jide Lewis, CFA, FRM

Nominee of the Governor of the Bank of Jamaica

Herbert Hylton

Board Director

Linda Wright Ashley

Board Director

Michael Martell

Board Director

Corporate Governance​

Jamaica Deposit Insurance Corporation (JDIC) is an independent statutory corporation, established in 1998 under the Deposit Insurance Act (DIA). It’s Board is subject to the corporate governance principles embodied in the Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act (PBMA), the Financial Administration and Audit (FAA) Act and the Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies in Jamaica.

Corporate Plan

During the four year planning period FY2022/23 – FY2024/25, the Corporation’s existing mandate for the protection of depositors under the Deposit Insurance Scheme, and for carrying out restructurings of nonviable member institutions as receiver and liquidator will be enhanced. This will be within the context of significant regulatory reforms for financial system safety and soundness started from the prior period.

Enterprise Risk Management

The  JDIC’s risk management system is guided by key requirements of the COSO1 ERM Integrated Framework and ISO 31000 risk management standard. The ERM Framework and Policy establishes a Risk Governance Structure with specific responsibilities of the Board of Directors; the Committee of Management and the staff